Polyeco™ ST-Pre waterproofing membrane
辅料胶带类产品 丁基类、非沥青基类防水材料 Polytech™ ST-Pre高密度聚乙烯(HDPE)防水卷材 Polymile™ ST聚氯乙烯(PVC)防水卷材 Polyeco™ NS热塑性聚烯烃(TPO)防水卷材 Polyeco™ PV热塑性聚烯烃(TPO)防水卷材 Polyeco™ GR热塑性聚烯烃(TPO)防水卷材 Polyeco™ HP 热塑性聚烯烃(TPO)防水卷材 屋面翻新修缮系统 Excipient products Other high-quality waterproof materials Polyeco™ ST-Pre waterproofing membrane Polymile™ ST waterproofing membrane Polyeco™ NS waterproofing membrane Polyeco™ GR waterproofing membrane Polyeco™ HP waterproofing membrane Polyeco™ PV waterproofing membrane Roof renovation and repair system 聚氨酯防水涂料 Waterproof coatings 金属屋面高弹防水涂料 高聚物改性沥青防水涂料

A multi-layer composite waterproofing material ideal for underground engineering sites constructed by prefabrication technique; the structural layer consists of polyethylene and polymer self-adhesive films, etc.
Saint-Gobain Keshun China
- Unit 02B、03、04,15F, Suhe Center, No.99 North Shanxi RoadJing'an District Shanghai 200071, China
- 4008880198
- marketing@sg-ks.cn